Articles (Page 37)

Articles (Page 37)

Understanding Creation – "Basic Truth" series, #3

Creation Ex Nihilo Paul described God as the One “who gives life to the dead and calls into being that which does not exist” (Romans 4:17, NASB). His words are the perfect definition of the Hebrew word for “create” (bara) used in Genesis 1:1. The word literally means “to bring something into existence that did not exist before.” God created everything that now exists ex nihilo, a Latin term meaning “out of nothing.” A sculptor will take a rough piece…

Understanding God – "Basic Truth" series, #2

How does the Bible describe God? God is Perfect We might describe our mother as “a good person.” We might say that an honest judge is “a just man.” But only God is perfectly good and perfectly just. All human beings, even those we admire and trust, are, by nature, imperfect, “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). But “As for God,” David writes in Psalm 18:30, “His way is perfect.” God is…

A Church Membership Recovery Model

Our Goal: Lord willing the result of this ministry will produce members of First Baptist Clever who recognize the blessings of being identified and committed to the body of Christ. We are praying for a membership that loves Christ and the fellowship of other believers. Our Current Status:  Resident Members = 289 Non-Resident Members = 225 Total Membership = 514 Average AM Worship = 125  Future Status: Total Membership = 250 Average AM Worship = 300  Ministry of Recovery Involvement:…

Understanding God’s Purpose in Sending His Son – "Basic Truth" series, #7

  . . . and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins. (Matthew 1:21)   God the Father sent His Son into the world with a definite purpose. It was a purpose that can even be seen in His name. When the angel spoke to Joseph, he told him to name the baby “Jesus” because He would save His people from their sins. The name Jesus is the Latin form of the…

Appointment of Elders

1. Initiation of the Appointment Process As the needs arise, the elders of Christ Fellowship will initiate the process of identifying and examining a potential elder. A man will be considered for appointment if: he appears to be biblically qualified he appears to be doctrinally and philosophically compatible with the elder team it appears to be God’s will to initiate the examination process 2. Input from the Church The elders will initiate a written request to the members of Christ…

Understanding Man’s Inability – "Basic Truth" series, #6

The Bible speaks of two kinds of people: those who have been “born again” (John 3:3, cf. James 1:18), and those who remain in their sinful corruption—the “natural man” (1 Cor. 2:14). Only the person who understands the gospel and believes in Jesus Christ will be saved. But which kind of person truly believes? A better question might be this: Which kind of person is able to believe? God: Life-Preserver or Life-Giver? The analogy of a drowning person has often…

For Whom Did Christ Die?

Did Christ die for you? Was the act that was meant to pay the just penalty for man’s sins specifically calculated with you in mind? Was Christ cognizant of you when He accomplished His sacrifice and subsequent resurrection? The first century apostle, Paul, answers this relevant question in his letter to the Romans. His words may help you and those you love. His answer: Christ died for those who aren’t strong For when we were still without strength, in due…

Understanding Providence (part 1) – "Basic Truth" series, #4

Meticulous Providence “Providence” is a theological term describing God’s ruling and governing of His creation. “Meticulous” providence depicts God as ordering and directing everything—every detail in the universe. In Ephesians 1:11 we are told that God “works all things according to the counsel of His will.” And consider the words of Romans 11:36: “For of Him and through Him and to Him are all things, to whom be glory forever. Amen” (emphasis added in each case). What relationship does God…

Members’ Review of a Potential Elder

The purpose of this letter is to inform you that ( elder candidate’s name here ) desires the position of elder with Christ Fellowship of Kansas City. Elder appointment is not a popularity contest, nor is the position something that a man earns due to his level of education, his social status, his wealth, or his seniority. Elders must be qualified according to God’s standard, capable of fulfilling the responsibilities they desire to assume, and doctrinally as well as philosophically…

Understanding the Fall of Man – "Basic Truth" series, #5

Adam and Eve were the only two human beings (apart from Christ) to enter into life with a will that was truly free. Unlike every one of their descendants, they alone began life with the ability to reflect God’s holiness—the ability to remain sinless. But things soon changed for the worse. The Fall of Man God granted Adam and Eve free access to a rich variety of fruit with only one restriction. They were not to eat the fruit of…

Preparing for the Funeral

My aged aunt suffered from a series of small strokes impairing her former elephantine memory. We cherish the story of the time she attended the funeral of her uncle William. On the way back the car passed the home of the deceased uncle. Her contemplative voice was heard from the back seat, almost talking to herself. “Hmm,” she mused, “I don’t remember seeing uncle William there today. Wonder where he was?” The truth is that uncle William had prepared for…

What is the Bible? – "Basic Truth" series, #1

The Bible is God’s Special Revelation Mankind is dependent upon God for all things, even for the knowledge that God exists. Though God is under no obligation to reveal Himself, He chose to reveal Himself to mankind through creation. God reveals Himself as eternal, powerful, glorious, creative, orderly, loving, all-knowing, sovereign, and worthy of worship. By creating man in His own image, by giving him a soul, self-consciousness, the ability to reason, and a general knowledge of right and wrong,…