'Church History' Tagged Posts

'Church History' Tagged Posts

A Biblical Case For Biographies and Autobiographies

The men of my church recently got together for two hours on a Wednesday evening, and then the women did the same the next Wednesday. On both occasions, part of the meeting involved watching a video of someone giving a biographical sketch. I was given the task of introducing the videos for both meetings, and I also included a few thoughts concerning what the Bible says about observing and learning from and even being inspired by other followers of Christ.…

Getting the Truth to the Lost: Inspiration from a 12 Year-old in the 1800s

A 12 year-old named Helen was not famous when she was converted in the 1800s in Birgmingham, England, but her family remains well-known today, especially during Easter, because her last name was Cadbury. Her father was the president of Cadbury chocolates — known today for Cadbury Easter Eggs. Helen was also instrumental in starting a ministry that continues to exist today called The Pocket Testament League. Let’s consider her pleasant story, and then think about how it should inspire us.…

Burrus the Deacon and the Meaning of Diakonia in the Letters of Ignatius of Antioch

As Ignatius of Antioch made his sunset journey from Antioch to Rome, he passed through the city of Smyrna, stopped in Troas, and continued his journey through Neapolis to Rome. The first four of Ignatius’ letters are the product of the Antiochan overseer’s stay in Smyrna (Ephesians, Magnesians, Trallians, and Romans). The remaining letters were penned in Troas (Philadelphians, Smyrneans, and probably the Letter to Polycarp). Unable to write to all the churches from Troas because of his sudden evacuation…