'Church Life' Tagged Posts (Page 6)

'Church Life' Tagged Posts (Page 6)

Loving Even the Cantankerous

He was one of the most cantankerous men I had ever known. When all the church wished to move forward into a new area of ministry, you could count on him confronting the elders about it in a negative way. In fact, “negative” was his middle name. Our system of decision-making did not allow his views to be buried in a hidden vote, but brought him straight into contact with the leaders with whom he almost always disagreed. Time after…

The Corrupt Root and Bitter Fruit of Altar Call Evangelism

The last command Jesus gave before ascending into heaven was, “Go therefore and make disciples . . .” (Matthew 28:19). All true followers of Christ want to be a part of this “Great Commission.” But how should we go about it? Everyone who understands the importance of special revelation (i.e., God’s Word in the Bible) agrees that evangelism involves the evangel (i.e., the gospel). No one will be saved without it. As Paul asked, “How then will they call on…

Five Minute Beliefs Survey

Please do not add your name to this survey. We are asking for the most honest answers you can give. Do not record what you think your leaders want you to say, but what you really believe. You will leave some items unchecked. Check only what you actually believe in each category, and as many as you wish. Age (must be at least in grade school and able to read to take the survey) ( ) 6-12 years     …

God’s Glory in the Joy of Men

“I will,“ God said, “forge for Myself, Out of the vastness of My wealth, An immeasurable expanse With stars and planets in a dance Rejoined by all of heaven’s host For joy that I would choose to boast The power of My potent hand. In this, I will have caused to stand The earth. Like some immense platform; A battle-ground for battle-storm Laid bare before heaven’s wondering eye. That it might be the place where I Display My power and…

Why People Don’t Get It

I talked with a charter member of the church I attended in another town that Sunday, a church with less-than-conservative views on the Bible. The question I asked was designed not only to give me information, but also to engage my new friend in thinking about his beliefs. "What is your church’s view on the Bible?" I posed. "Well," he answered, "I’m a chaplain for the Masons and I think we have a little stronger view of the Bible there…

Interview with Jim Elliff

(www.blackandreformedministries.com) Lionell Woods (LW): Pastor Jim, I guess the first thing I have been meaning to ask you is this: How long have you been a Christian and can you give us a brief testimony?   Jim Elliff (JE): I repented of my sin and believed in Christ as a child of nine in a home of believers. My dad was a pastor, as was my grandfather. I’ve been a believer for 51 years now! Many children turn out to…

The Church That Disciplines

Let me tell you why church discipline is important to me. A number of years ago my minister father left my mother after an adulterous affair with his secretary. I’m telling this story with his permission. My father is now 90 years old. This turn of events jarred us. We’ve not seen divorce often in our extended family. All of us are believers, and most of us are in the ministry, for four generations. While my father was working as…

Multi-ethnic Glory in the Church: Should We Have Black Churches and White Churches? Or Cowboy Churches?

I have just returned from Milan, Italy, where a portion of my time was spent with leaders of The International Church of Milan (ICM). We talked together about the diversity of their congregation, which consists of 14 nations so far. Among the leaders were two families who are not only working with this congregation, but are praying and feeling their way toward an Italian-speaking congregation that will work in tandem with the ICM. I felt compelled to express my concern…

The House Church Way of Life

I still appreciate the institutional church. I’ve spent most of my life in such churches, leading them, speaking to them, attempting to nurture believers in them. I have most of my memories of God’s work in my life related to them. Almost every church I speak to today is an institutional one. I haven’t given up on this model, but I think I have discovered something far better for meeting my expectations of church life and my compelling interests as…

Should I Say More About Meeting in Homes?

I have only six and a half years of experience with a house church model. My inexperience may disqualify me from saying much. Though I don’t want to get older any more quickly, I am anxious to have years of experience so as to speak more convincingly about this concept. I also do not in any way wish to imply that we are experiencing the absolute “right method,” or that, in fact, other meeting patterns could not be even more…

Vacation Bible School and the Doctrine of Hell

Vacation Bible School (VBS) was nearly upon us, and the children’s ministry workers had gathered for a final preparatory meeting. Anticipation filled the room as we eagerly awaited the opportunity to minister to the precious little souls that the Lord would send our way. Thankfully, we would be using curriculum that faithfully proclaimed the Gospel.  The meeting was progressing well until a “pillar” in the church suggested that we “avoid speaking about hell and judgment and those types of things…

What You Can  Do When Your Church is Failing

You’re stuck. The church you once loved is now sliding downhill. Some are disgruntled, leadership is faltering, attendance is low, fellowship is almost non-existent, and interest in improvement is weak. Even the building reflects the neglect of dispassionate saints. What should you do? I realize the problem is systemic, but there are some things that may yet be done to revitalize the church. I’m not going to give you the main things (restoring regenerate membership, establishing church discipline, promoting forgiveness,…