'Evangelistic Presentations' Tagged Posts (Page 2)

'Evangelistic Presentations' Tagged Posts (Page 2)

Take it Away

Christ came first to take away sin but when He comes next He will take away men—some to eternal darkness and some to life—some to healing and some to strife. What have you done with His sacrifice? Is it tucked neatly into your head like a child in her bed? A forgotten box in permanent storage labeled “someday” or “important” but nonetheless collecting dust. Have you spurned it and despised, buried the truth and set God aside—for earthy pleasure that…

Strategically Distributing God’s Word: Stories & Strategies

My wife makes tasty candy every year at Christmas. For the past several years, we’ve shared some of these delectable treasures with our neighbors. This past Christmas, we decided to distribute to our non-Christian neighbors not only chocolate-covered peanut clusters, but also a copy of the gospel of John. We’re praying for God to use His word to save our neighbors. Whenever God’s Spirit grants understanding (see Matthew 13:11), it’s always in partnership with the message of Christ. I want…

The Last Forty-five Minutes

He was lying down, gasping. It was his own bed and it was his time. Forty-five minutes from this moment he would die. Beside him sat his wife in the overstuffed leather chair that had been pulled close for the final event. She had been there all night. She sat on the edge as she patted his hand and tried to soothe him—disheveled, wide-eyed with simmering panic, twitching, pleading. It had been the hardest night of her life. The hospice…

How You Might Use The Soils Booklet

It takes the Spirit of God to open up the heart of any man or woman to the good news of life in Christ. In our world many believe that they have some relationship with Christ. Over 80% of Americans, for instance, say that they are Christians, very broadly defined [Barna]. The statistics are alarming since we know that almost all who profess faith in Christ really do not actually understand the gospel or give evidence that they know Him.…

Five Minute Beliefs Survey

Please do not add your name to this survey. We are asking for the most honest answers you can give. Do not record what you think your leaders want you to say, but what you really believe. You will leave some items unchecked. Check only what you actually believe in each category, and as many as you wish. Age (must be at least in grade school and able to read to take the survey) ( ) 6-12 years     …

So What’s the Problem?

A well-known Christian philosopher, Francis Schaeffer, was asked this question: If you had only one hour on a train to tell someone about Christ, what would you do? He answered: I would spend forty-five minutes showing him the problem, and fifteen minutes showing him the solution. Do you have a problem? Perhaps it is not so easy for you to see. If you have good relationships, make good grades, have a family that loves you, and feel hope about the…


I talked with a charter member of the church I attended in another town that Sunday, a church with less-than-conservative views on the Bible. The question I asked was designed not only to give me information, but also to engage my new friend in thinking about his beliefs. "What is your church’s view on the Bible?" I posed. "Well," he answered, "I’m a chaplain for the Masons and I think we have a little stronger view of the Bible there…

Preparing for the Funeral

My aged aunt suffered from a series of small strokes impairing her former elephantine memory. We cherish the story of the time she attended the funeral of her uncle William. On the way back the car passed the home of the deceased uncle. Her contemplative voice was heard from the back seat, almost talking to herself. “Hmm,” she mused, “I don’t remember seeing uncle William there today. Wonder where he was?” The truth is that uncle William had prepared for…

For Whom Did Christ Die?

Did Christ die for you? Was the act that was meant to pay the just penalty for man’s sins specifically calculated with you in mind? Was Christ cognizant of you when He accomplished His sacrifice and subsequent resurrection? The first century apostle, Paul, answers this relevant question in his letter to the Romans. His words may help you and those you love. His answer: Christ died for those who aren’t strong For when we were still without strength, in due…

Miss Hockingfield’s Waterloo

James, the youth: Why is Christ not beautiful to some people? Brockton, the older, and wiser: Because without eyes they cannot see. James: You mean such people are incapable of knowing Christ’s beauty? Brockton: Incapable because they are without desire; without desire because they are incapable. Miss Hockingfield’s story explains. It was “Art Museum Day” at Bussby Elementary, and Miss Hockingfield was ecstatic. She was a lover of beauty, an aficionado of all things lovely. It was on this day…

The Likes of Danni Lites

“This is so sad, that she died so alone,” said one of her friends from years earlier. Danni (Dannell) Lites was well known to the comic book world, writing over 250 stories of comic book characters on three web sites. Over the web she conversed incessantly with fans of her writing. She was considered an expert in her genre. Yet, she never talked IRL, that is, “in real life.” Then she died. Unemployed, sick with diabetes, unclean, 49 years old,…

The Most Important Thing

When wars have ceased, international leaders have become dust and the poverty of their souls is revealed; when enterprises crumble and the last dream has evaporated; when death has claimed the final person, and those alive are changed for their eternal future; when everything earthly and mundane is over, and each person resides in heaven or hell—what will be important? And what among all that is important will be the most important? This is a question worth thinking about, because…