'Travel Logs' Tagged Posts (Page 2)

'Travel Logs' Tagged Posts (Page 2)

Bible Intensive Retreats: Romania 2013

While I was in Romania with Jim Elliff toward the beginning of April, my wife was putting our youngest daughter, Lilly, to bed. She told her, “Tomorrow we get to go to the airport to pick Daddy up!” Lilly responded, “To keep him?” I’m happy to say my daughter cherishes me.   Jim and I are hopeful that the pastors and missionaries we served while in Romania now cherish their Bibles more than ever. We left the States on April…

Reflections on the Ministry Trip to Ethiopia & Uganda, Fall of 2012

On September 4, 2012, CCW staff member Selamab Assefa and I left America for a few weeks of ministry in Africa. This was my third trip to Ethiopia with Selamab, and our first trip to Uganda. What follows is a brief report, arranged by topics. Old Friends Our first weekend in Ethiopia involved ministry to church leaders in a town called Dangla, about a 10 hour drive northwest of Addis Ababa (the capital city of Ethiopia). We had served in…

Ethiopian Trip, May 2011

During May, 2011, Selamab Assefa and I took off for CCW’s second ministry trip to Ethiopia (click here for more about Steve’s and Selamab’s trip last fall). We were there for 2 ½ weeks, travelling and speaking at churches.   May 13-16 After 20+ hours of travel, we walked out into Ethiopia’s capitol city, Addis Ababa—just in time to sleep a few hours and make a 3 ½ hour drive across dusty roads and beautiful African landscape to the town…

Ministry Trip to Ethiopia, Fall 2011

Tuesday-Wednesday, September 20-21, 2011 Selamab Assefa and I were eager to head back together to Ethiopia (We took our first trip together last year.). We flew from Kansas City to Washington, D.C, then to Frankfort, Germany, and then on to Addis Ababa, the capital city. We arrived at night and were happy to see our luggage riding down the conveyor belt. Selamab’s brother and a friend greeted us warmly once we passed through all of the security checks. The scene…

The Muller Center Goes to Israel

CCW began “The Muller Center for Biblical Studies” in the fall of 2010 with its first six students. The goal was to read the Bible seriously and let the Spirit work to teach and train in Bible literacy. The students and tutors (Jim Elliff and Steve Burchett) read the first five books of the Bible every two weeks and Matthew every week (132 chapters/week). This meant approximately 20 hours a week for reading, marking, and discovery of biblical insights. The…

Exploratory Ministry Trip to Ethiopia

I accompanied CCW’s newest communicator, Selamab Assefa, to Ethiopia from September 20-October 6, 2010. Selamab was born and raised in Ethiopia, but has lived in the United States for the past five years. He is a recent seminary graduate and a member of my church, and his relationships with churches in Ethiopia will seemingly provide decades of ministry opportunities there. (I like to tease him by calling him our “Ethiopian Sensation.”) This first trip to Ethiopia was for ministry, but…

Steve Burchett’s Trip to the Philippines, Summer 2009

Wednesday & Thursday, August 5-6 – I was invited to the Philippines by Doug Nichols who is the founder and international director emeritus of Action International Ministries. Other than skirting a typhoon the last hour, my flights over to the Philippines were uneventful. I was met at the airport by Ernie and Rosely Fornoles. Rosely was my contact person in the Philippines, so it was a delight to finally meet her. The majority of the time in the Philippines found…

Moldova, Romania and Greece Trip, 2008

The whole family was with me on this trip, Pam, Benjamin(21), Bryan (19), and Laura (16). Pam’s parents, Ed and Doris Knight had graciously planned a ministry trip to Greece for the extended family, helping with most of the funds for that, so it seemed right to add an intended Romania/Moldova trip at the same time, rather than in the fall. I was anxious to see friends and fellow believers there in Romania once again following my trip in November…

Recent Trip to Germany, Ukraine and Romania

HeartCry Ministries (Paul Washer, Director) out of Alabama was the arranger of this ministry trip to Europe. Mack Tomlinson, a long time friend of HeartCry from Denton, Texas asked me to go along with him to preach in both Romania and Ukraine. I added a short trip to Germany and met up with Mack in Bucherest. First stop: Frankfurt, Germany. My plans included this visit at the home of the Gerd Roth family in Huttenberg-Rechtenbach, near Frankfurt all because of…

Recent Travels to Africa, 2007

Benjamin hunkered Vietnamese-like at the Dulles Airport gate, sick at his stomach. It did not seem to matter that people were passing on either side of him to get into the transport which would take us to our plane. The flu passed to each of us over the next few days. This is the way Jim, Benjamin and Bryan Elliff began our latest trip to Africa. It was not an auspicious start. We were greeted by my friend, Martin Holdt,…
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