An enduring interest over the years at CCW has been regaining an elevated hymnody for the church. To that end, we are pleased to offer the following hymns for use in personal or corporate worship.
Credits:Music and Lyrics Jim Elliff
Always Lord Almighty
O God, my ever present help
In floods of pain and trouble,
You are my refuge and my strength,
Though earth's foundations crumble.
Always present, Always helping,
Always Lord Almighty!
O God, in You I cannot fear,
Though mountains fall around me,
Though waters of adversity
That roar and foam surround me.
Always present, Always helping,
Always Lord Almighty!
O God, while kingdoms rage,
My secret doubts may overtake me.
But You are here; I will not fall;
At break of day You'll save me.
Always present, Always helping,
Always Lord Almighty!
O God, You make my wars to cease,
One word brings desolation.
Be still, my soul, and know He's God;
In Him find consolation.
Always present, Always helping,
Always Lord Almighty!
Copyright © 1989 Christian Communicators Worldwide, Inc. Permission granted for not-for-sale reproduction in unedited form including author's name, title, complete content, copyright and weblink. Other uses require written permission.
Credits: Lyrics by Jim Elliff Music by Mitch White
Beginning From Jerusalem
The prophecy will be fulfilled,
And ev'ry word as read,
Just as the Christ has bled and died
And risen from the dead.
So will the message be proclaimed
To ev'ry nation known,
Beginning from Jerusalem,
The grafted branches grow.
Repentance will be preached with pow'r,
To ev'ry nation known.
Forgiveness for the sins of men
Will be the tribal song.
It's promised from the lips of Him
Who gave His life in love.
None can refute its acc'racy;
He sealed it by His blood.
And we have known His love ourselves,
And therefore must respond,
Beginning from Jerusalem
To places far beyond.
The promise of the Spirit gives
The power and the will,
To sacrifice and bear our cross
To see His word fulfilled.
And in the future reign above,
That message we've proclaimed
Will be the praise of ev'ry one
Who's purchased by the Lamb.
So ev'ry people, tribe and tongue,
All nations of this sphere,
We come now with the Word of God,
The word of faith is near.
Copyright © 1989 Christian Communicators Worldwide, Inc. Permission granted for not-for-sale reproduction in unedited form including author's name, title, complete content, copyright and weblink. Other uses require written permission.
Credits: Lyrics by Jim Elliff, Music by Mitch White
Give To Me, Bright Sovereign
Give to me, Bright Sov'reign,
Your welcome makes me bold.
For You have riches never used.
I've come to see what I've been told.
Give to me, Bright Sov'reign,
Though my sin your light has found,
Yet unbelief has lost to love,
For grace beyond my sin abounds.
Give to me, Bright Sov'reign,
though You live so deep in light,
Yet, all I ask You, I'll receive.
My interceeder's on Your right.
Give to me, Bright Sov'reign,
Of the Billions I'm but one.
But You, my Father God have loved;
You hear me for I am your son.
Give to me, Bright Sov'reign,
Light-filled heaven is Your throne.
In Christ You've given ev'rything,
O King, His brilliance is my own!
Copyright © 1989 Christian Communicators Worldwide, Inc. Permission granted for not-for-sale reproduction in unedited form including author's name, title, complete content, copyright and weblink. Other uses require written permission.
Credits: Lyrics by Jim Elliff With Suggested Music: Ellacombe, Gesangbuch der Herzogl.
God My Help
O God, my help against the foes,
Invisible in stealth,
Those angels of Prince Lucifer
Who plot to rob my wealth.
They kill, destroy, and capture thoughts,
And would now end my life.
But for the Higher Prince of Love,
They'd crush my life with strife.
Yet every surge of wicked power
Is surveyed from above.
The evil thoughts they have this hour,
Their countering of Love.
O God, the Mighty one who rules,
You have not lost Your hold.
You press these demons in their place,
And make Your servants bold.
While hordes of raving demons stir
Relentlessly about,
Our Lord Majestic will dispatch
His angels on their route.
As tireless soldiers down below,
Who understand the war,
Dressed in their well-worn battle clothes
Kneel down behind the door.
The Dragon’s war cry will be stopped
When Valiant Christ will come.
Theirs is the death cry without end,
But ours will be the song.
For Christ our Fearless King descends,
And ruling out the Night,
We'll sing when Death is cast below:
"No fears, No foes, No fight!”
Copyright © 1989 Christian Communicators Worldwide, Inc. Permission granted for not-for-sale reproduction in unedited form including author's name, title, complete content, copyright and weblink. Other uses require written permission.
Credits: Music and Lyrics by Jim Elliff
If it were God's eternal plan
For God to rescue every man,
To come to God's begotten Son,
Then has God vict'ry, has God won?
For Millions of this fallen race
Have clung to sin with hell to face.
So when the final count is done,
How is it that we know God's won?
Though countless millions joined our foe,
The enemy will surely know,
That he has lost the goal of all,
Because the remnant can-not fall.
His trophy would have been to clasp
Within his fiendish deathly grasp
Just one of God's own chosen sons,
Just one of God's elected ones.
But it could never ever be
That one of God's own sons made free
Would not endure the great unrest,
No matter how severe the test.
For then God's plan would sure be ruined,
The cross of love it's work undone.
The resurrection of our Christ
Could not give life and make it last.
Has not God on this earth revealed
The product of His potter's wheel,
The vessels on whom wrath belong,
Prepared to pay eternal wrong?
The Potter by His patience shows
The greatness of His grace bestowed
On vessels made for higher cause,
Who live by faith, the higher law.
This grace to me was given free.
I cannot know why it's for me.
But by His choice the call was made,
And by His will His hand was laid.
And now the mystery's better known;
It's only few that He has sown.
Because God's few will persevere,
Hell's hosts are frenzied by their fear.
Let every power of Hell see clear,
What He is like whom we endear.
He bought us with the price of blood,
And he'll present us to our God.
Hell's principalities have lost,
The saints prevail at any cost.
A Bride in purest linen white,
Will dwell with Christ in heaven's light.
Copyright © 1989 Christian Communicators Worldwide, Inc. Permission granted for not-for-sale reproduction in unedited form including author's name, title, complete content, copyright and weblink. Other uses require written permission.
Credits:Lyrics by Jim Elliff With Suggested Music: Ellacombe, Gesangbuch der Herzogl
God's Plan Unfolds
God’s plan unfolds before the eyes
Of Christ’s own royal line.
Yet, cursed by Adam’s compromise,
The rest will stagger blind.
The ways of God they will not heed,
For all they recognize
Are bellowings of Lucifer
In beautiful disguise.
Is it a wonder that the King
Of heaven, earth, and sky,
Would shun this race of arrogance
And rarely justify?
Can He be blamed for holiness,
And judgment that is true?
Can He be told it is not fair
To give to man his due?
If God released us all to hell,
And never called but one
To be the offspring of His heart
By wedding to His Son,
It would be undeniable
And angels loud must shout,
“God is a God of graciousness,
Beyond the faintest doubt.”
Do not be arrogant, my child,
If you are a chosen seed.
You did not merit any grace,
Nor could your heart believe.
It was the work of God alone
To take you from your death,
And put His life within your soul,
And breathe in you His breath.
Copyright © 1989 Christian Communicators Worldwide, Inc. Permission granted for not-for-sale reproduction in unedited form including author's name, title, complete content, copyright and weblink. Other uses require written permission.
Credits: Lyrics by Jim Elliff Music by Mitch White
Lord, For Your Gift
Lord, for Your gift of righteousness
When sin had raged so long,
My soul bursts forth in thankfulness,
My heart breaks out in song!
Though sons of hell will never thank
The Ever-living One,
This Adam-soul reversed by grace
Will always sing this song.
Lord, in Your grace You have foreloved,
And Your intent is known.
You have determined to conform
Each offspring to Your Son.
As evidence, we yield the fruit
That makes our calling sure.
And so my thankfulness resounds
To see You make us pure.
This faith You've given perseveres;
It will withstand the test.
No matter what may come our way,
It's purified 'til rest.
And so my joy again is full,
For Satan's hope is gone.
The called go on from faith to faith,
'Til reaping what is sown.
My thankfulness will then abound,
When heaven I will see.
In feeble ways I've sought to praise,
But then my lips are free!
My liberated soul will sing
Of mercy, love, and grace,
But how my flooded heart will shout,
When I shall see Your face!
Copyright © 1989 Christian Communicators Worldwide, Inc. Permission granted for not-for-sale reproduction in unedited form including author's name, title, complete content, copyright and weblink. Other uses require written permission.
Credits: Lyrics by Jim Elliff With Suggested Music "Hark the Herald Angles Sing"
Psalm 11
In the Lord I put my trust.
How then can you say to me:
"Fearing like a bird in danger
To your mountain you must flee?"
"For the wicked in the shadow
Bends his bow and sets his arrow.
Secretly he points his dart
Aimed upon the upright heart."
"If foundations are destroyed
What can you do who loves the Lord?"
2. But the Lord is in His temple;
He is on His heavenly throne.
He observes the sons of men,
Tests the righteous and the wrong.
And the wicked He despises;
On the violent justice rises.
Out of wrath His hot winds blow,
Burning sulfur, fiery coals.
For the Lord loves righteousness.
Grants to the just His countenance.
3. When foundations are destroyed,
Will you hear these doubt-filled words:
"What can you the righteous do
When such wickedness is stirred?"
But the Lord All-seeing reigns
Watching all that He disdains.
Those in Christ stand justified;
Christ for us has lived and died.
And before His knowing sight,
God will judge the world aright.
Copyright © 1989 Christian Communicators Worldwide, Inc. Permission granted for not-for-sale reproduction in unedited form including author's name, title, complete content, copyright and weblink. Other uses require written permission.
Credits:Lyrics by Jim Elliff With Suggested Music: (S.M.) St. Thomas, "Rise Up, O Men of God"
Reform the Family, Lord
Reform the family, Lord,
By truth renew its flame
In homes where fathers take their place
And Christ the Lord is named.
The changeless Word implant
Within the youthful mind.
And faith-filled prayers to God restore
With hymns and songs in kind.
Raise up those godly men
With skill to guide their own,
And wives, supporting, full of grace
Whose seeds of love are sown.
A day of pow’r bring in
As homes reclaim their place,
Adorned by godly attributes
And manifested grace.
To Christ we’ll lift our praise,
When by His grace we’ve come
To breathe the heavenly air again
Of holy, joyful homes.
Copyright © 1989 Christian Communicators Worldwide, Inc. Permission granted for not-for-sale reproduction in unedited form including author's name, title, complete content, copyright and weblink. Other uses require written permission.
Credits: Lyrics by Jim Elliff Music by Mitch White
The Discipline of God is Strong
The discipline of God is strong
To make the sinning Christian bend,
Until affection, thoughts, and ways
Are each conformed to God's own end.
The selfish child must not forget
The Father's love is sometimes found
In troubles and hard circumstance,
And in the rough uneven ground.
Do not lose heart when you're reproved,
No matter how extreme the flame.
He turns the ground and burns the roots
Of suffocating weeds of shame.
We must not faint, nor are we free
To treat His love without concern,
When God takes love's severest course,
For lessons to be soundly learned.
Not all that's hard is discipline,
For we must train our minds to know,
That testing also from His hand
Is His design to make us grow.
We quickly should discern its source.
If sin, repentance is the cure.
If trials for obedience,
They only make the Christian sure.
Rejoice, my pilgrim, in His ways,
And do not doubt His providence.
He's never let a sparrow fall
Without divine intelligence.
Rejoice, His love works by design
To break our willful stubbornness.
No one could tame our raging lusts,
But God in His omnipotence.
Copyright © 1989 Christian Communicators Worldwide, Inc. Permission granted for not-for-sale reproduction in unedited form including author's name, title, complete content, copyright and weblink. Other uses require written permission.
Credits:Lyrics by Jim Elliff Music by Mitch White
The Runner's Prize
Just there before our eyes,
The Lord's eternal prize.
The race will not be long,
May ev'ry saint be strong.
Eternity is sure;
The rest we can endure,
But run the race to win,
And dare not love to sin.
The discipline is hard;
Your hungers you must guard.
Throw off the easy sin,
And all the weights with-in.
Take note of Christ's own race;
For joy He bore disgrace.
Remember past the cross;
And you'll not suffer loss.
Do not just give what's due.
His grace provides for you.
Do much more than the law;
No limits does He draw.
If you will run to win,
And have not run to sin,
The Spirit will endue
A power to pursue.
Rewards are all of Him;
Though hard we've run to win,
For our ability
Is graced upon us free.
Yet treasure rank and praise,
For which we'll be amazed,
May yet be gained or lost,
So, runner, count the cost!
Copyright © 1989 Christian Communicators Worldwide, Inc. Permission granted for not-for-sale reproduction in unedited form including author's name, title, complete content, copyright and weblink. Other uses require written permission.