

Marco Scouvert

Marco is a speaker and writer for Christian Communicators Worldwide. He is passionate about  communicating the gospel in various ways and settings, and is a gifted Bible teacher for retreats, conferences and seminars. He is also active in what CCW calls “Bible Intensives,” a way to learn the Bible inductively.  In 2003, Marco earned his B.A. in Chemistry from The University of Buffalo. He grew up as a nominal Roman Catholic in upstate New York and became a follower of…

Jim Elliff

Jim Elliff is founder and president of Christian Communicators Worldwide (CCW). Jim has pastored or served on the pastoral team of churches in Florida, Arkansas, Texas, Oklahoma, and Missouri. Since 1985 Jim has addressed Christian ministries, seminaries, Bible schools, universities, churches, and pastors’ fraternals of various denominations throughout most of the United States and in approximately 40 foreign countries. Jim has been privileged to address groups in all kinds of settings—everything from a former witch doctor’s hut to a Communist…

Steve Burchett

Steve is a speaker, writer, and assistant to the president for Christian Communicators Worldwide. He thoroughly enjoys communicating the Bible at retreats, conferences, and pastors’ meetings of various denominations. In addition, Steve loves to teach through writing. He is a co-author of Divorce and Remarriage: A Permanence View, and many of his articles may be found at www.BulletinInserts.org and www.CCWtoday.org . In 1998, Steve earned his B.A. from Cedarville University, followed by a Masters of Divinity in 2001 from The Southern Baptist Theological…

Other Team Members

  Tony Barmann Tony is a graphic designer and freelances through Barmann Creative. He mainly helps with book design and layout. Daryl Wingerd Daryl is a founding pastor of Christ Fellowship of Kansas City, christfellowshipkc.org, and is the Senior Security Investigator for Evergy in Kansas City, Missouri. He is a prolific CCW writer, the author of CCW’s Delivered By Desire: The Encouraging Truth About Christians and Sexual Purity, and co-author of Divorce and Remarriage: A Permanence View. Daryl has several of our most…