Why Our Books Are Free

Why Our Books Are Free

We have given tens of thousands of our books and ministry tools away over the years. In the beginning of our ministry we gave everything away, but we were mostly giving away pamphlets and booklets. As we began to publish more books, and were upgrading to better quality printing and binding, we decided that we needed to work with a price structure that would allow booksellers to sell our books also, to help us disseminate our works better. So, for years we’ve offered low prices on this basis, and the Lord has blessed that endeavor. In the midst of that, we gave books away also, but not in our online presentation. We’re back now offering our books without charge again, and we are so happy to be doing that. We will only charge the exact shipping for your order. Our Amazon platform will need to remain as is, and our pricing for booksellers will also remain the same.

We prefer giving our books. For one thing, we don’t like the feel of even appearing to some to be a bookseller when we are really a ministry. We are especially aware that we have freely received the gospel and therefore wish to freely give it. Also, we have learned not to fear that God will somehow fail to supply us with what we need to continue publishing. Since all our personal and ministry expenses at CCW are supplied by the Lord without our solicitation, we wish to provide our publications similarly. The funding for printing and distributing books and other written materials does not have to come directly from book sales, but from God however he may move the hearts of people when he is ready. 

All we ask from the reader is that you help us not to waste the resources God has given us for publishing. Please order only if you purpose to read or to strategically use the items you order. We would love to hear how you plan to use our books when you write for them. If clarification is needed on any order, we may email you concerning your order to help us know we are not wasteful but strategic as we partner with you. 

Yes, it costs plenty to publish books considering the writing, editing, layout, printing, storing, handling, shipping, communications, and promotion. It’s a challenging ministry in many ways. But God is bigger than our needs and we will gladly share what we have been given by him with you, an eager reader or careful user of God’s resources. We ask that you ask for only what is actually needed at the time. You can freely ask again for more as needed. 

Please pray for strategic use of these books as valuable guides for believers, Christian leaders and churches, and as a means of revealing Christ to unbelievers. 

Orders outside of the USA will need to be made through info@ccwtoday.org.

You can find our books here.