Serious About Scripture

Mentoring and motivating Christ’s people to live his words

Speaking Bible

There are a variety of ways to be obnoxious in our interactions with people. One of them is to always speak in holy tones as if we are super spiritual. Another is to use trite Christian phrases when we greet people, such as, “How’s the Lord blessin’ you today?” We may mean well with such words, but they often come across disingenuous and sometimes create embarrassment. But, we should speak Bible truths. I don’t mean that we should quote passages…

Gospel Advance in Rome and an Ethiopian Hospital

When hard times come, what do people hear from your lips?  Suffering in Rome Those who saw Paul in Rome under house arrest awaiting trial (see the end of Acts) probably didn’t think he was doing so well. After all, he was in chains! I can imagine the guards who were chained to Paul in four hour shifts initially thought Paul would be like any other prisoner. Even the believers throughout the Roman Empire who were aware Paul was in…

How Do You Recover From This?

When a child leaves the home abruptly and angrily, with a vow not to return, how do you recover? When you receive termination papers from your work with no prospects of another job, how do you keep from losing it all? When bills pile too high and the income is too low, where do you turn? When your companion of decades has a stroke and leaves you alone, what can help you keep balanced through the lonely days and nights?…

Leaving One Church for Another Close By

At least initially, no one who believed and was baptized and came into the membership of the church in Corinth could then leave that church and join another close by. That was not an option since there was only one local church in the area. Each Sunday, and possibly other days of the week, all of the believers in Corinth gathered at Gaius’ house (cf. Romans 16:23). Church shopping was still a future phenomenon. Times have changed. I live in…