Serious About Scripture

Mentoring and motivating Christ’s people to live his words

It Isn’t Alarming – A Letter From Jim

Dear CCW family, Think about this dialogue between Mr. Brockton and James . . . _____ The older, wiser Mr. Brockton: When scores of people lose their lives at one time, it isn’t alarming, but it is tragic. The younger disciple, James: How is it possible not to be alarmed if 5,000 die in an earthquake or 10,000 in a Tsunami or 300 in a sinking boat? Mr. Brockton: The size of the group whose lives are taken is of…

Robert Chapman’s Great Aim

I recently spent time with the man who was my pastor my final year in seminary. My wife and I had one of the best year’s of our lives as members of the little church where he was serving as a pastor for the first time. By his own admission, he wasn’t a very good communicator yet — he shook his head reflecting back on his poor public speaking skills — but biblical content was always there, and we all…

God Doesn’t Need You

“He is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything, because he himself gives all men life and breath and everything else.” Acts 17 Paul on Mars Hill in Athens proclaimed the entire self-sufficiency of God. We are his body, it is true, which is the fullness or completion of the Head. He uses us. But he needs nothing from us. Let that sink in. We do not add to him in any way, but rather, he gives…

From Here to There: How We Obtain the Inheritance

The inheritance for the Christian begins with eternal life, a transformed body, new heavens and a new earth, and extends literally to all there is. We are co-heirs with Christ, meaning all that Christ has received in his ascension and final victory over evil, we will receive. The realization of all that won’t come until later, yet it is ours. We will reign under him over all the universe! Jesus told his disciples to not be afraid of provisional lack…