Articles (Page 3)

Articles (Page 3)

What It Means to Praise the Lord: a Brief Primer

If I say, “I just want to praise you, Lord,” I’m saying something good about my motives. If I say, “I praise you, Lord,” I’m describing my good actions. If I say, “Thank you Lord for answering my prayer,” I have not praised him, but thanked him. If I say, “Praise the Lord!” I’ve asked others to say something to honor him. If I say, “Lord, you alone know the future and will accomplish all your plan,” I have praised…

Single, Yet Pursuing Marriage

There are two places in the New Testament that teach about singleness as a chosen way of life for some (Matthew 19:10-12, plus various verses in First Corinthians 7), but that’s just about it. Have you ever noticed in Paul’s letters, when he lists categories of people, he includes wives, husbands, children, fathers, slaves, and masters (cf. Ephesians 5:22-6:9; Colossians 3:18-4:1), but there is no category of single adults? Why? Paul was writing to the norm, and the shift from…

Do Hurricanes Just Happen?

Though some postulate that hurricanes are spawned merely by natural causes, this answer is one “cause” too short. The Bible teaches they are first decreed by God. The Psalmist wrote: “Whatever the Lord pleases He does, in heaven and in earth, in the seas and in all deep places. He causes the vapors to ascend from the ends of the earth. He makes lightening for the rain; He brings the wind out of His treasuries” (Psalm 135:6-7). “Is it not…

Biblical Descriptions of an Ideal Father/Child Relationship

Benjamin Elliff has given us below a useful list of of Bible texts describing how the critical Father/child relationship is to be lived out. This could be a source for daily meditation, discussions with a spouse, mentoring men, training children, and small group interaction. Make good use of this list to improve relations between children and fathers, and to honor God who is the perfect Father. Biblical Descriptions of an Ideal Father/Child Relationship The Father’s Relationship to His Child 1.…

Appreciating and Correctly Reading the Stories within the Gospels

If you have read Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John — the Gospels — you know that not only do they tell the story of Jesus’ life and present Jesus’ teaching, but they are made up of individual stories. I prefer to call these brief accounts “episodes.” So the one story about Jesus is made up of multiple episodes about Jesus. For example, we see the “leper” episode in Mark 1:40-45, followed by the “paralytic down through the roof” episode in…

Our CCW Books Are Free. Why?

We have given tens of thousands of our books and ministry tools away over the years. In the beginning of our ministry we gave everything away, but we were mostly giving away pamphlets and booklets. As we began to publish more books, and were upgrading to better quality printing and binding, we decided that we needed to work with a price structure that would allow booksellers to sell our books also, to help us disseminate our works better. So, for…

Natural Disaster and Pastoral Comfort

We must acknowledge that the most troubling problem emerging from any large scale natural disaster is not that people die. That is a real human and emotional issue, but not the most significant one. Hurricanes, tsunamis, earthquakes, fires, tornados or floods do not change the statistics on the number of the human race experiencing death by even one digit. A typhoon in Bangladesh swept away between 300,000 and 500,000 lives in 1970,[1] and the worldwide influenza pandemic of 1918 exterminated…

Guidelines for Children

  RULE # 1 WE ALWAYS TELL THE TRUTH. "Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord, but those who deal truthfully are His delight." Proverbs 12:22 "A lying tongue hates those who are crushed by it, and a flattering mouth works ruin." Proverbs 26:28 (New Jerusalem) "But there shall by no means enter it anything that defiles, or causes an abomination or a lie, but only those who are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life." Revelation 21:27 RULE…

God Above All Governments

You may disagree, but I believe biblical history and subsequent Christian history demonstrates that radical internal holiness, godly enthusiasm to follow Christ, and courageous truth-inspired faith in him regardless of the societal externals or the diffidence and even hatred of those around us, do more to accomplish the will of God in the world than the seating of any government over the people. The government may or may not support the Christian viewpoint. It did not in New Testament days…

How to “Get Over it” When You Taught Poorly

If you teach the Bible regularly, you know the experience of wishing you had done better — sometimes much better — immediately after you finished. I have been there. I once spoke at a men’s retreat of a church different than my own. About halfway through my message, I could feel in my soul that things were going poorly. The men seemed unenthused. Two guys were whispering to each other and laughing. I pressed on, but it never improved. Afterwards,…

No Lay-up Shot: A Lesson from the Masters

For some reason unknown to humankind, my older brother got to play golf on the distinguished Augusta National Golf Course, the course where perhaps the best tournament of the year is held—The Masters. It was there that the following life-shaping event took place. He was playing through the course with the required caddy. After he landed in the middle of hole 13 of the notorious 3-hole Amen Corner, he asked the caddy for a certain short iron. Astonished, the veteran…

Dear Eden from Sweden

I write poetry for my grandchildren as their “PaJim.” This is one. We have a strain of Swedish ancestry on my wife’s side — a farm family in Sweden who moved to Canada and then to Minnesota in the 1800s. This poem reflects that connection. Likely the members of that family used “kulning” to call the cattle. Before you read this poem, listen to the enchanting kuhning of Jonna Jinton at this address to understand the poem better: The…

Are You A Theological Ignoramus Like J.I. Packer Once Was?

J.I. Packer tells a personal story about his freshman year in college (see Bruce Milne, Know the Truth, IVP, 1998, p. 9). The chaplain at his school took some of the students on “pastoral walks.” Packer was on one of those strolls and said of the chaplain, “He was urging me to read theology, the subject which he himself taught, as a sequel to the classics degree on which I embarked.” Packer explains the exchange that happened next. I explained…

A Biblical Case For Biographies and Autobiographies

The men of my church recently got together for two hours on a Wednesday evening, and then the women did the same the next Wednesday. On both occasions, part of the meeting involved watching a video of someone giving a biographical sketch. I was given the task of introducing the videos for both meetings, and I also included a few thoughts concerning what the Bible says about observing and learning from and even being inspired by other followers of Christ.…

To Fly to Safety or Not: What to Do When the Arrows are Aimed at You

If you’ve ever been in a minor car accident, you might have called a loved one and immediately said, “Hey, everything’s okay; I’m not hurt. But I’ve been in a wreck.” David starts off Psalm 11 with “everything’s okay” type of language: “In the LORD I take refuge.” He was living in a society in which “the foundations” had been decimated (v. 3), probably meaning, “The foundations of law and order have collapsed” (New Living Translation). It was chaos all…