Marco Scouvert

Marco Scouvert

Marco is a speaker and writer for Christian Communicators Worldwide. He is passionate about  communicating the gospel in various ways and settings, and is a gifted Bible teacher for retreats, conferences and seminars. He is also active in what CCW calls “Bible Intensives,” a way to learn the Bible inductively. 

In 2003, Marco earned his B.A. in Chemistry from The University of Buffalo. He grew up as a nominal Roman Catholic in upstate New York and became a follower of Jesus in his twenties through the personal evangelism of a coworker. He attended The Master’s Seminary in Los Angeles, California, and received a Masters of Divinity in 2014.

Marco ministered to inmates in Los Angeles County jails and men from drug and alcohol backgrounds for several years with Only Hope Prison Ministries. After that he traveled to South Africa and served the Lord for almost six years. He first labored as a Pastoral Assistant and then as a missionary engaging in evangelism and strengthening churches through supporting leaders and teaching. 

Marco married Laura Elliff of Kansas City, Missouri, in 2018. They presently have two children: Abigail and Matthew.

You can also see or download photos to use in promoting your event. And you can communicate directly with Marco at the following:

Email: • Phone: (816) 895-0316

Jim Elliff