You can order copies here. Below is an excerpt from the Introduction:
In this book, we will revisit one of the New Testament’s compelling stories, alluded to in three of its books and featured prominently in a fourth. The Apostle Paul, responding to a crisis of poverty among the believers in Jerusalem, undertook the arduous project of raising a collection for them among the young churches in the Roman provinces of modern-day Turkey and Greece. As we engage this story, we will focus our attention on 2 Corinthians, a letter Paul wrote around the mid-50s to the Christians in Corinth. In it he devotes two chapters to the subject of the collection (chapters 8-9). Working through these chapters, we will learn why he was so passionate about this undertaking and discover timeless principles about lack and liberality and how God’s grace operates at the intersection of the two.
Paul’s vision of generosity is surprising. He opens our eyes wide to an expansive landscape of liberality which does not begin or end with us. We find ourselves standing in the middle of something far larger—God’s own generous program. This fresh perspective will motivate us.