Divorce & Remarriage: A Permanence View

Divorce & Remarriage: A Permanence View


The main tenets of the views of the authors are summed up in the following three statements:

  • The one-flesh union created in marriage is permanent until death.
  • Initiating a divorce is never lawful.
  • Remarrying after divorce is an act of adultery if a former spouse is living.

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by Daryl Wingerd, Jim Elliff, Jim Chrisman, Steve Burchett
Read the free PDF here

We believe this book will save marriages. Bible-believing Christians agree that it is essential to act on Jesus’ words while the present storm of marital unfaithfulness and divorce swirls around us. Yet there is uncertainty about Jesus’ commands concerning divorce and remarriage.

Are we truly facing and understanding the words of our Lord Jesus Christ and the Apostle Paul on this subject? Allow yourself to be challenged by the efforts of these authors to faithfully explain the New Testament texts on this topic.

The main tenets of the views of the authors are summed up in the following three statements:

  • The one-flesh union created in marriage is permanent until death.
  • Initiating a divorce is never lawful.
  • Remarrying after divorce is an act of adultery if a former spouse is living.

A Bible teacher from Arizona:

I couldn’t put it down. What an incredible work. It’s so clear and thorough and kind. Easy to read and follow. I will use it much and often. I know it will prove to be a ‘user-friendly’ resource.

A Pastor in Arkansas:

Extremely well thought through, well-presented, compelling, and readable. I recommended to a guy yesterday telling him that regardless of his view he needs to read this. I can see this being a tremendous addition to materials in this continuing discussion about divorce/remarriage and potentially becoming the seminal book for this view.

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Additional information

Weight 9 oz
Dimensions 5.5 × 8.5 × .5 in