A is for Adam, who was the first man;
He broke God’s command, and thus sin began.
B is the book, which to guide us is given;
Though written by men, the words came from heaven.
C is for Christ, who for sinners was slain;
By him—O how freely!—salvation we gain.
D is the Dove; with an olive-leaf green,
Returning in peace to the ark she is seen.
E is Elijah, whom, by the brook’s side,
Daily with food the wild ravens supplied.
F is for Felix, who sent Paul away,
And designed to repent on some future day.
G is Goliath: lo, stretched on the plain,
By the sling of young David the giant is slain.
H is for Hannah—how happy was she,
Her son, little Samuel, so holy to see!
I is for Isaac: like Jesus he lies,
Stretched out on the wood, a meek sacrifice.
J is for Joseph, who, trusting God’s word,
Was lifted from prison to be Egypt’s lord.
K is for Korah;
God’s wrath he defied,
And lo! to devour him, the pit opened wide.
L is for Lydia: God opened her heart;
What he had bestowed, ‘t was her joy to impart.
M is for Mary, who fed on Christ’s word;
And Martha her sister, beloved by our Lord.
N is for Noah;
with God for his guide,
Safely he sailed o’er the billowy tide.
O is Obadiah, who, the prophets to save,
Twice fifty concealed and fed in a cave.
P is for Peter, who walked on the wave,
But sinking, he cried, Lord, I perish;
O save!
Q is the Queen who from distant lands came,
Allured by the sound of king Solomon’s fame.
R is for Ruth;
she goes forth, ‘mid the sheaves,
Gleaning the ears that the husbandman leaves.
S is for Stephen, Christ’s martyr, who cried
To God for his murderers—then calmly died.
T is for Timothy, taught in his youth
To love and to study the Scriptures of truth.
U is Uzziah: in rashness and pride,
Profaning God’s altar, a leper he died.
V is the Vine: a green branch may I be,
Bearing fruit to the glory of Jesus the Tree.
W is the Widow; her two mites she gave,
And trusted in God to sustain her and save.
X is the Cross, that our dear Saviour bore:
O think of his sorrows, and grieve him no more.
Y is the Youth, who, killed by a fall,
By a miracle wrought, was recovered by Paul.
Z is for Zoar, where Lot prayed to be;
It reminds me of Christ, a refuge for me.