Pursuing God Study Guide

Pursuing God Study Guide

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Please click on a chapter title to read the study guide for that chapter on line. To download a specific chapter in MS Word format, click the .doc link following the chapter title. To download a specific chapter in Adobe Acrobat format, click the .pdf link following the chapter title. The last column contains .pdf files in A4 format for overseas use. You can find the study guide for the revised version below. Click here for the older version.

Pursuing God Study Guide Revised


 Section .doc .pdf A4 .pdf
Introduction icon_doc
1. So What’s the Problem? icon_doc
2. You Don’t Look So Good icon_doc
3. Is God Angry Anymore? icon_doc
4. If I Should Die Before I Wake icon_doc
5. Sooner Than You Think icon_doc
6. A Thief in the Night icon_doc
7. Gospel Equals Power icon_doc
8. Destroying the Future icon_doc
9. The Change of Mind icon_doc
10. Trying or Trusting icon_doc
11. What Shall I Do? icon_doc
** Complete study guide icon_doc

Pursuing God Study Guide


Section .doc .pdf A4 .pdf
Introduction icon_doc
1. So What’s the Problem?
2. You Don’t Look So Good icon_doc
3. Is God Angry Anymore? icon_doc
4. If I Should Die Before I Wake icon_doc
5. Sooner Than You Think icon_doc
6. A Thief in the Night icon_doc
7. Gospel Equals Power icon_doc
8. Destroying the Future icon_doc
9. The Change of Mind icon_doc
10. Trying or Trusting icon_doc
11. What Shall I Do? icon_doc
** Complete study guide icon_doc