What Can I Say in a Small Group?

What Can I Say in a Small Group?

As small groups meet and provide open possibilities for sharing with each other, do you have something to say? Keep this list with you in your Bible and consider these options along with any others God brings to your mind. Your words are important, even if you feel like you’re not eloquent. God may use you to build up the body of Christ. You may pick any of these you believe God wants you to share in an open session, or a leader may ask for everyone to share concerning one item.

“Let all things be done for edification.” 1 Corinthians 14:26b

Share . . .
a recent experience of God’s provision or care
an recent experience when you “sowed the seed” of the gospel
a word about a new lesson learned from a Bible passage
your conversion story
about the person who made Christ most attractive to you
about a person who has meant much to you as a believer
a story from your past illustrating God’s grace in your life
a turning point in your Christian history (perhaps one each week)
a missionary story new or old
a short biographical sketch or experience of a notable Christian figure
a short biographical sketch of a notable Christian you knew
a missionary update and prayer for that missionary
the greatest lessons about Christ learned from a parent or mentor
a Bible story (or perhaps a series of stories over several weeks)
a passage of Scripture, read with meaning and conviction
an inspiring poem (perhaps one you’ve written)
the words of a hymn or song and why those words are meaningful to you
the main theme and application of a Bible passage
a Bible doctrine summarized and illustrated (perhaps one per week)
consecutive sections of a book of the Bible presented over several weeks
a memory tool for learning important Bible facts, people or events
a longer exposition from Scripture (if worked out with the leader)
a motivation to an action that should burden you all
appreciation for specific attributes seen in the group or a believer in the group
a request for forgiveness from the group for sin affecting them
the sin you would most like to put to death in your life
how you believe you could most strengthen the believers in the days ahead
a Scripture passage from memory, with carefulness and conviction
a prayer for some specific need you are already praying about
a song sung by you to the group
a suggestion for a song for all to sing and why it is important
a request for initial counsel concerning a problem (continue later if needed)
your earliest memory of becoming serious about God
a brief interview of another member in the group using prepared questions
a memorable evangelism experience from your past
a lesson from your marriage or child rearing days
a dramatic reading of a narrative text of the Bible, each person taking a character
the time when you grew the most as a believer, and why
the greatest lesson your spouse taught you
the greatest lesson your child taught you
when you believe you have truly worshipped God, and how it came about
the period in your life that was most difficult and how you came through it
the biggest misconception you had about the Christian life and how corrected
the closest spiritual friendship outside of your family and how it came about
when you began to love and value the Scriptures
how you have overcome fear, or what you still fear
the truly effective ways your church helps you grow as a believer
what you would love to change about your past
the Bible character you are most like, and why
what you hope to do for Christ before you die

Add more as you think of them.