'Worship & Devotion' Tagged Posts

'Worship & Devotion' Tagged Posts

How Scripture is Believed

Though the Scripture may be shown to be trustworthy by many historical and logical proofs, it is essentially received as true because of the revelation of God’s glory experienced through it. Just as nature reveals God (Rom 1:19-21), and some receive or reject his glory, so man receives or rejects the glory of God in Scripture. In other words, a man sitting on the edge of a cliff overlooking a majestic display of nature has every reason to believe in…

What It Means to Praise the Lord: a Brief Primer

If I say, “I just want to praise you, Lord,” I’m saying something good about my motives. If I say, “I praise you, Lord,” I’m describing my good actions. If I say, “Thank you Lord for answering my prayer,” I have not praised him, but thanked him. If I say, “Praise the Lord!” I’ve asked others to say something to honor him. If I say, “Lord, you alone know the future and will accomplish all your plan,” I have praised…

The Elderly Mr. Phipp

James, the youth: Is affection necessary for true spirituality? I mean, can’t a man be Christian, yet cold as a stone emotionally? Mr. Brockton: Affection cannot be separated from true religion. James: But are we to strain to be affectionate toward God when it is not natural? Brockton: We are to strain to know God, and that is enough. Mr. Phipp will make my point for me. Hear his story: When the elderly Mr. Phipp lost his wife, he cried…

This is WHAT DAY the Lord has made?

When we quote or sing “This is the day the Lord has made,” we aren’t saying that this very day, the day we are in presently, is the day the Lord has made. That is true, of course, but it isn’t what Psalm 118: 22-24 is about. Rather, something much more important is being said. Read it closely: “The stone which the builders rejectedHas become the chief corner stone.This is the Yahweh’s doing;It is marvelous in our eyes.This is the…

Within These Joys

Within These JoysJim Elliff It is a time fresh joys have come around.Enwombed, our daughters loosed our newest kinAnd filled their homes and ours with gentle soundsOf gurgling, fussing, laughing, sure to winWorn hearts like ours to pleasures of their love And make the most enfolded of us bright.By their escape to light I think aboveThe greying path that walks us into night. Within these joys Christ’s older ones get eyes,For once entombed, to light we too shall rise! _____Sonnet,…

This is WHAT Day the Lord Has Made?

This Is WHAT Day the Lord Has Made? Jim Elliff When we quote or sing “This is the day the Lord has made,” we aren’t saying that this very day, the day we are in presently, is the day the Lord has made. That is true, of course, but it isn’t what Psalm 118: 22-24 is about. Rather, something much more important is being said. Read it closely: “The stone which the builders rejectedHas become the chief corner stone.This is…

Heaven to Earth

What did it mean for the eternal Son to descend and enter into the history of men? The human brain cannot completely conceive the nature of His humility. Glory to dust, eternal to earth, all the while retaining His worth. Infinitely valuable, beauty beyond words, bowed down to be cursed, leaving heaven for dirt. A Savior for all without capability, crying out of dark futility to the One with all ability to tread down their impossible with grace that is unstoppable.…

God’s Glory in the Joy of Men

“I will,“ God said, “forge for Myself, Out of the vastness of My wealth, An immeasurable expanse With stars and planets in a dance Rejoined by all of heaven’s host For joy that I would choose to boast The power of My potent hand. In this, I will have caused to stand The earth. Like some immense platform; A battle-ground for battle-storm Laid bare before heaven’s wondering eye. That it might be the place where I Display My power and…

Should Christians Pursue the Arts?

I re-skimmed George Eliot’s The Mill on the Floss last week. It has had a startlingly deep affect on me over these days—searching far into caves of feeling, and engendering a few meditative walks. Its themes have turned my mind to consider why it is that I pursue things like literature, music, and other forms of art. I have at least tentatively come to the following conclusion: We were created not only to do what is right and believe what…

The Sensitivity of True Worship

We don’t have to look far to discover how sensitively God measures the worship of Himself. Cain, firstborn son to the progenitor of all man’s sin, was rejected by God and turned over to his degenerate and murderous heart all because his worship was wrong—in motive and in method. A bit further we find Nadab and Abihu severely judged with instant death for offering “strange fire” at the altar—an offense so serious to God He did not allow their father…