Posts by Christ Fellowship Elders
Why Should I Join a Church? — Christ Fellowship Elders
The title of this introduction raises a good question, doesn’t it? Even among those who support the idea of church membership, there are valid reasons to wonder why most churches have established membership roles as well as procedures for welcoming people into membership. For example, we cannot overlook the fact that the word “membership” is not used anywhere in the Bible. No matter how hard you look, you will never find a verse or passage in the New Testament that…
How We Use Our Statement of Faith
Churches have historically used confessions or statements of faith in order to summarize and clearly identify what they believe. Many historical confessions have been preserved, and are used by churches to this day. Instead of adopting an historical confession, we have chosen to use the following summary of biblical doctrine, entitled Holding Fast the Word of Life, as our statement of beliefs. Listed below are several important things you should understand about the purpose of our statement of faith, and…
Our Plan for Handling Church Finances
The elders of Christ Fellowship spent several weeks studying the subject of church finances. Our desire was to honor God by following the leadership of the Head of the Church, Jesus Christ. We focused on numerous passages of Scripture in an attempt to properly understand more of what the Bible teaches on this subject. While we did not conclude that we had been disobedient to God in the way we had handled church finances previously, our study did provide us…
Restoring Those Who Fall
Our Statement Regarding Church Discipline Church discipline is one of the primary means God uses to correct and restore His children when they fall into sin. It is also one way in which He maintains the unity, purity, integrity, and reputation of the church. Through private or public instruction, warning, counsel, or rebuke, and even social avoidance or expulsion from membership, God corrects his disobedient children or removes those who are not truly His. Christ Himself declared the church to…
A New Purpose Statement
We exist to love God with our warmest affection and highest devotion to love one another as Christ has loved us, and to love others as we desire to be loved ourselves. Why love? What about worship, teaching, preaching, personal holiness, and evangelism? Should our focus really be so narrow when the Christian life involves so many other necessary things? In the New Testament, love is consistently viewed as the highest of Christian virtues-the one that produces, unites, and balances…
Training Men
[Below is an article written by the elders of Christ Fellowship on how we seek to develop men in our church. Our church is made up of several home congregations, each led by an elder. This provides a structure to mentor men that is natural and effective. In fact, it is our commitment to mentor every man in the church! If your church is not set up this way, you may find other ways to subdivide the church in order…
Appointment of Elders
1. Initiation of the Appointment Process As the needs arise, the elders of Christ Fellowship will initiate the process of identifying and examining a potential elder. A man will be considered for appointment if: he appears to be biblically qualified he appears to be doctrinally and philosophically compatible with the elder team it appears to be God’s will to initiate the examination process 2. Input from the Church The elders will initiate a written request to the members of Christ…
Members’ Review of a Potential Elder
The purpose of this letter is to inform you that ( elder candidate’s name here ) desires the position of elder with Christ Fellowship of Kansas City. Elder appointment is not a popularity contest, nor is the position something that a man earns due to his level of education, his social status, his wealth, or his seniority. Elders must be qualified according to God’s standard, capable of fulfilling the responsibilities they desire to assume, and doctrinally as well as philosophically…
Qualifications of an Elder
The following is a list of the biblical qualifications that an elder must possess. No elder will be a perfect man, but if he is clearly and persistently lacking in any of these qualities, he cannot serve in the church as an elder. An elder must be: 1. above reproach (lit. “blameless”) 1 Timothy 3:2; Titus 1:7. This qualification is the summation of all of the rest. It means that there is nothing in his life that would justify a legitimate…
Removal of an Elder
Paul’s words in 1 Timothy 5:19 (“Do not receive an accusation against an elder except from two or three witnesses.”) should not be construed to mean that elders are to be protected from proper disciplinary action when such becomes necessary. Paul knew that elders, being in a position of authority, could easily become the objects of false or frivolous accusations. His command in this passage is simply a warning to watch for such abuses. Elders are church members just as…
Statement of Faith
Holding Fast the Word of Life The Statement of Faith for Christ Fellowship of Kansas City The church is “the pillar and support of the truth” (1 Timothy 3:15). It is the responsibility of every member of the church to “contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints” (Jude 3). God’s truth has always been questioned, attacked, and perverted. The Bible warns us that such deception will continue, and history has demonstrated the…
Statement of Purpose
Christ Fellowship Statement of Purpose We exist to love God with our warmest affection and highest devotion to love one another as Christ has loved us, and to love others as we desire to be loved ourselves. Why love? What about worship, teaching, preaching, personal holiness, and evangelism? Should our focus really be so narrow when the Christian life involves so many other necessary things? In the New Testament, love is consistently viewed as the highest of Christian virtues-the…
Membership Agreement
As a follower of Jesus Christ, I joyfully and thoughtfully enter into a bond of mutual edification (1), fellowship (2), and accountability (3) with the other members of this body. I have repented of my sin (4), trusted in Christ as my Savior and Lord (5), and been baptized as a true believer (6). I will faithfully participate with this church in worship, prayer, study, fellowship, and the ordinances of baptism and communion (7). I will use my spiritual gifts…