Posts by Doug Richey
What is Gained by Removing Members from Church Rolls?
This article provides motivation to do what God requires of us. Doug leads a church in Excelsior Springs, Missouri called Pisgah Baptist. I wish all churches with bloated rolls would follow Mt. Pisgah’s lead. May their tribe increase. Jim Elliff Recently we reached an important milestone for our congregation. Since my arrival as Pastor of Pisgah Baptist Church nearly five years ago, I’ve formally and informally preached toward a proper understanding of what it means to be the Body of…
A Church Membership Recovery Model
Our Goal: Lord willing the result of this ministry will produce members of First Baptist Clever who recognize the blessings of being identified and committed to the body of Christ. We are praying for a membership that loves Christ and the fellowship of other believers. Our Current Status: Resident Members = 289 Non-Resident Members = 225 Total Membership = 514 Average AM Worship = 125 Future Status: Total Membership = 250 Average AM Worship = 300 Ministry of Recovery Involvement:…