Posts by Jim Elliff (Page 29)

Posts by Jim Elliff (Page 29)

The Negotiables

I am a lover of the local church in any form I find it, provided we mean the same thing by “church.” I’ve had forty years of ministry in all kinds of churches, internationally and here in the States. I have seen some great ones and some very sad, sickly ones—and that has little to do with size. If it is a true church, however, I’m for it and wish to see it flourish. I’ve not lost my enthusiasm for…

A Mission of Peculiarity: John 17:13-19

It is the task of the Christian to demonstrate his or her peculiarity to the world. In reading through the catalogue of people of faith in Hebrews 11, it is the peculiarity of the men and women of faith that is most prominent. You cannot get much stranger than Noah, for instance, who hammered on a boat for 120 years waiting for a promised flood in a world that had not yet even seen rain. Think about it. This man…


I talked with a charter member of the church I attended in another town that Sunday, a church with less-than-conservative views on the Bible. The question I asked was designed not only to give me information, but also to engage my new friend in thinking about his beliefs. "What is your church’s view on the Bible?" I posed. "Well," he answered, "I’m a chaplain for the Masons and I think we have a little stronger view of the Bible there…

Life of Trust

Long ago I learned that people are not so interested in what a man can do for God, but rather what God can do for a man. I wanted my life to be a visible demonstration of the fact that God exists and that He hears and answers prayer. This led me to make financial choices that many of you ask me about. I am happy to talk about this since one of the very reasons I have taken this…

What Do You Do With Immorality?

When the apostle Paul heard that there was immorality in the Corinthian church, he was shocked. The brand of immorality was of such a kind that the sensibilities of the pagan world would even be offended—”a man has his father’s wife”. But his amazement was mostly because the church tolerated it as a badge of honor. The church had so distorted the meaning of love that it was proud of its acceptance of such persons. “And you are arrogant. Ought…

A Cathartic Sickness

NOTE: I wrote this in 2005 when I was going through a series of minor health issues. They were nothing really, but did do some good for me. I did not publish this article at the time, but believe it still has meaning. I hope you can share it with those who might benefit from it. JE  One of my longtime friends died recently, and another is extremely sick. I have also had some uncomfortable physical challenges myself, the latest…

A Different Style of Evangelist: Laborers on the Loose

The disparity between what Christ and Paul did in evangelism and what we do, at least in the West, is dramatic. Let me explain a few of those differences: 1. The first radical departure from Jesus and Paul is our concept of time-specific, meeting-oriented evangelism. You will read in vain in the New Testament to find so many days of evangelistic preaching scheduled for Jesus or Paul and conducted at 7 p.m. in a certain location. You do not find…

For Whom Did Christ Die?

Did Christ die for you? Was the act that was meant to pay the just penalty for man’s sins specifically calculated with you in mind? Was Christ cognizant of you when He accomplished His sacrifice and subsequent resurrection? The first century apostle, Paul, answers this relevant question in his letter to the Romans. His words may help you and those you love. His answer: Christ died for those who aren’t strong For when we were still without strength, in due…

Preparing for the Funeral

My aged aunt suffered from a series of small strokes impairing her former elephantine memory. We cherish the story of the time she attended the funeral of her uncle William. On the way back the car passed the home of the deceased uncle. Her contemplative voice was heard from the back seat, almost talking to herself. “Hmm,” she mused, “I don’t remember seeing uncle William there today. Wonder where he was?” The truth is that uncle William had prepared for…

Powerfully Kept

I’ve seen a few extremely powerful things. Just recently I watched a tornado whirling debris on the lawn as it rose up and passed just beside our house. I know that it was insane to be outside watching, but power is intriguing. I’ve been in a tropical storm on the Florida coast, packed and ready to leave in an instant if it accelerated to a hurricane. I’ve felt the ground rumbling while watching a space shuttle launch, and I’ve circled…

She Loved It!

She loved it! The deep blue four-inch vase sat in her glass cabinet for thirty years until her death. I’m convinced that she loved it more every year she lived. She didn’t have to say much about it. Just that fact that it sat there among other valuables and was dusted with cherished thoughts was enough. You could see mom having good memories. I remember when I bought that blue vase for mom. I was on a trip with a…

The Likes of Danni Lites

“This is so sad, that she died so alone,” said one of her friends from years earlier. Danni (Dannell) Lites was well known to the comic book world, writing over 250 stories of comic book characters on three web sites. Over the web she conversed incessantly with fans of her writing. She was considered an expert in her genre. Yet, she never talked IRL, that is, “in real life.” Then she died. Unemployed, sick with diabetes, unclean, 49 years old,…