An Introductory Word from Jim Elliff:
The concept of using colors to depict aspects of the gospel has been around a long time. Perhaps you have used, for instance, “The Wordless Book.” Gretchen Brewer and Karen Eppler, friends of our ministry, have worked out what we believe is a more complete use of colors to explain the gospel. We believe this approach has some decided benefits.
We have formatted this material in the following ways:
Power Point. By using Power Point you may go througheach color of the presentation as a teaching method. It ispossible to do this at one time, or over a series of lessons.Perhaps you would want to have your students memorizethe Scriptures for each color. Don’t have PowerPoint?Access the free Microsoft Powerpoint Viewer here
.PDF file. This may be used for overheads or for a smallset of printed sheets. We have tried to provide colorwithout using up your ink supply. Here is the Spanish translation of the cards.
Also included is Instructions for making Gospel Colors Bracelets. With these instructions is a set of smaller copies of the complete “Gospel Colors” presentation.Copies of the presentation may be attached to the bracelet when giving them away. You will also find a link to photos of bracelets and necklaces Gretchen and Karen have created.
We hope you enjoy this tool. Though mainly for children, I have often presented the gospel in this way to adults. Of especial value, in my estimation, is the ability this tool offers for expanding the presentation and adding our own stories and explanations. In other words, it can be a “personalized” to fit most needs.
Please let us know how the Lord is using this tool by writing us at
Jim Elliff