Posts from December 2024
Ten Most Popular CCW Articles in 2024
Though the following articles were not all written in 2024, these were our most popular. A snippet of each article is included. 10. Confessionism: the Misuse of 1 John 1:9 — Jim Elliff “For many years earlier in my ministry, I made statements such as the following: ‘In order to be restored to fellowship with God and to be filled with the Spirit you must confess every known sin to God.’ What am I to think fo such instructions now?”…
A Broken Relationship with Dad
Over many years I have seen that a person who has a rupture in relationship with his or her father and does not know how to find acceptance and peace with God through Jesus Christ, may be susceptible to many difficulties in this life. Broken child/parent relationships of any kind very often present in ongoing bouts of rebellion and anger or crippling despair and perceptions of inferiority, outside of God’s help. Some carry these attitudes internally while weakening them, and…
What Happens When We Share the Gospel? Six Encouragements
When I found out that I was going to speak at a college in Malang, Indonesia, and perhaps 300-400 students would be waiting for me, I quickly organized in my head how I could share the gospel most effectively. We have to be ready in our travels for such times. There they were when we walked in the gymnasium, sitting on the floor quietly waiting for me to speak. There was only one blaring mic, so I gave it to…
Reading Scripture Rightly – A Letter From Jim
Dear CCW family, The New Year is upon us! The New Year to most of us presents something fresh with prospects beyond the normal. As a believer you may say, “This is a new start for me to go further into understanding God’s word.” That is a healthy desire and one you can certainly accomplish because it is God’s desire also. This practical article,“Reading Scripture Rightly,” may help. For more help, read “My Preferred Way to Read the Bible,” under…
The Most Important Thing
When wars have ceased, international leaders have become dust and the poverty of their souls is revealed; when enterprises crumble and the last dream has evaporated; when death has claimed the final person, and those alive are changed for their eternal future; when everything earthly and mundane is over, and each person resides within the eternal Kingdom of God or outside in eternal judgment —what will be important? And what among all that is important will be the most important? This…
Free booklet/Free PDF of My Preferred Way to Read the Bible
Order for free or read the free pdf at the link below. Jim Elliff shares the Bible reading plan that has helped him the most over the last several years. Many have joined him in this approach and have experienced the same joy and discovery that has enriched his life. Jim encourages the believer to read one or two books of the Bible repeatedly as a way to understand the Scriptures on a new level. Practical advice is given, as…
Looking For a Church? Here’s What to Look For
My list doesn’t include a gymnasium or a youth group that does a lot of fun things, since the Bible doesn’t require a church to have these amenities. Here are a few items, however, that are absolutely critical for your consideration: 1. A resolve on the part of its leaders to seek the will of the Head of the Church You may think that this is a “given” among most leaders, but you would be wrong. Many pastors and church…
What About the Relatives?
For many of us, the Christmas/New Year season is a time not only to think about Jesus’ incarnation but also to enjoy our relatives and friends. Perhaps we see them only at this time of the year. Some time ago I wrote this short article to guide us about speaking the gospel to those relatives we love. Take a few moments to ponder these ideas: Can you find Jimmy in this photo? Some of you may see Tommy and Billy,…
On Stumbling
Now as they were eating, He said, “Assuredly, I say to you, one of you will betray Me.” Jesus said to him, “Assuredly, I say to you that this night, before the rooster crows, you will deny Me three times.” Then Jesus said to them, “All of you will be made to stumble because of Me this night . . .” (Mt. 26:21, 31, 34). One betraying, one denying, ten stumbling. All twelve disciples fulfilled the prophesy of Jesus. We learn from this…
8 Christmas Bulletin Inserts or Handouts
Try out our formatted bulletin inserts for your church or ministry meetings in the Christmas. Season.
How Scripture is Believed
Though the Scripture may be shown to be trustworthy by many historical and logical proofs, it is essentially received as true because of the revelation of God’s glory experienced through it. Just as nature reveals God (Rom 1:19-21), and some receive or reject his glory, so man receives or rejects the glory of God in Scripture. In other words, a man sitting on the edge of a cliff overlooking a majestic display of nature has every reason to believe in…
The Mistake of Being Quick to Strategize and Slow to Pray
My wife and I recently realized we’ve become quite the “strategists” with our children. When they share dilemmas with us, we are quick to offer (oftentimes) dogmatic counsel without asking clarifying questions and, more shamefully, without praying. We eventually get to prayer, but not as soon as we should. You would think that now that our kids are moving into adulthood, we wouldn’t still fail in this area. Yet, here we are, so we need the following two reminders from…
Morning Gaze
A Reminder . . .
It Isn’t Alarming – A Letter From Jim
Dear CCW family, Think about this dialogue between Mr. Brockton and James . . . _____ The older, wiser Mr. Brockton: When scores of people lose their lives at one time, it isn’t alarming, but it is tragic. The younger disciple, James: How is it possible not to be alarmed if 5,000 die in an earthquake or 10,000 in a Tsunami or 300 in a sinking boat? Mr. Brockton: The size of the group whose lives are taken is of…