It has been and will always be true that, regardless of experience and the nearness of God which is perceived, returning quickly, decisively and repeatedly to the truth found only in the Bible is the right thing in order to walk firmly in Christ, providing the tracks to interpret experience and guide us.
In the experience that Asbury students and faculty are going through now, there is the truth of the gospel for years in some, if not many of the students there in this school which has historically been among more conservative in Methodism, nightly messages are given, Bible reading in the meetings occur, and students minister to each other often with open Bibles. And who can say what wise professors have been teaching in the classrooms (the classes continued throughout), what persons in small groups have been teaching each other, what dorm room discussions have added to Bible knowledge and adherence, how calls from wise parents and former pastors have led, and teaching from pastors in the local college churches have added? With all of that which is transpiring, I will pray for even more truth dispensed in whatever ways God will choose. And, the correct understanding of that truth.
Join me in that prayer so that all that is good and right in this experience will be preserved and shepherded by more and more of the truth and truth-proclaiming leaders.