If we claim to be Christ’s followers, we must, at the very minimum, believe what he believed when he spoke on earth.
Jesus believed in . . .
God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
Heaven and hell
His pre-existence with the Father
Satan and demons
Scripture, which “cannot be broken”
A future resurrection of the body
The creation of man and woman
Noah and the flood
The destruction of Sodom & Gomorrah
Lot and the judgment on Lot’s wife
The exodus from Egypt
Moses’ leadership of stubborn Israel
Manna in the wilderness
Jonah and the fish
His own death & resurrection
His ascension to the Father
Forgiveness of sins
The condemnation of unbelievers
Himself as the only way to eternal Life
His Kingship over all things
His future return
What leader would say that you are his follower if you do not espouse what he speaks of as true? You may be a student of Christ, but you would not be a follower. There is more to following Christ than merely believing what he believed, but without the confidence that he has spoken truth, how can we trust our lives to him and adhere to him with any confidence?
The Way We Look - A Letter From Jim
The Anger of Another