All Posts (Page 40)

All Posts (Page 40)

Better Prayer Meetings and Prayer Groups: Less Confusion, More Communion

Most of us have experienced both “good” and “bad” prayer meetings. Eventually we may find out that the “good prayer meeting” which seemed to go very well was actually tainted. Those who prayed sounded spiritual, but they were full of pride. And Peter tells us, “God is opposed to the proud” (1 Pet. 5:5). Alternatively, a seemingly “bad prayer meeting” which felt totally flat might one day be revealed as the time when God heard the prayers of a meek…

A Church Membership Recovery Model

Our Goal: Lord willing the result of this ministry will produce members of First Baptist Clever who recognize the blessings of being identified and committed to the body of Christ. We are praying for a membership that loves Christ and the fellowship of other believers. Our Current Status:  Resident Members = 289 Non-Resident Members = 225 Total Membership = 514 Average AM Worship = 125  Future Status: Total Membership = 250 Average AM Worship = 300  Ministry of Recovery Involvement:…

Appointment of Elders

1. Initiation of the Appointment Process As the needs arise, the elders of Christ Fellowship will initiate the process of identifying and examining a potential elder. A man will be considered for appointment if: he appears to be biblically qualified he appears to be doctrinally and philosophically compatible with the elder team it appears to be God’s will to initiate the examination process 2. Input from the Church The elders will initiate a written request to the members of Christ…

For Whom Did Christ Die?

Did Christ die for you? Was the act that was meant to pay the just penalty for man’s sins specifically calculated with you in mind? Was Christ cognizant of you when He accomplished His sacrifice and subsequent resurrection? The first century apostle, Paul, answers this relevant question in his letter to the Romans. His words may help you and those you love. His answer: Christ died for those who aren’t strong For when we were still without strength, in due…

Members’ Review of a Potential Elder

The purpose of this letter is to inform you that ( elder candidate’s name here ) desires the position of elder with Christ Fellowship of Kansas City. Elder appointment is not a popularity contest, nor is the position something that a man earns due to his level of education, his social status, his wealth, or his seniority. Elders must be qualified according to God’s standard, capable of fulfilling the responsibilities they desire to assume, and doctrinally as well as philosophically…

Preparing for the Funeral

My aged aunt suffered from a series of small strokes impairing her former elephantine memory. We cherish the story of the time she attended the funeral of her uncle William. On the way back the car passed the home of the deceased uncle. Her contemplative voice was heard from the back seat, almost talking to herself. “Hmm,” she mused, “I don’t remember seeing uncle William there today. Wonder where he was?” The truth is that uncle William had prepared for…

Qualifications of an Elder

The following is a list of the biblical qualifications that an elder must possess. No elder will be a perfect man, but if he is clearly and persistently lacking in any of these qualities, he cannot serve in the church as an elder. An elder must be: 1. above reproach (lit. “blameless”) 1 Timothy 3:2; Titus 1:7. This qualification is the summation of all of the rest. It means that there is nothing in his life that would justify a legitimate…

Removal of an Elder

Paul’s words in 1 Timothy 5:19 (“Do not receive an accusation against an elder except from two or three witnesses.”) should not be construed to mean that elders are to be protected from proper disciplinary action when such becomes necessary. Paul knew that elders, being in a position of authority, could easily become the objects of false or frivolous accusations. His command in this passage is simply a warning to watch for such abuses. Elders are church members just as…

Statement of Faith

 Holding Fast the Word of Life The Statement of Faith for Christ Fellowship of Kansas City   The church is “the pillar and support of the truth” (1 Timothy 3:15). It is the responsibility of every member of the church to “contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints” (Jude 3). God’s truth has always been questioned, attacked, and perverted. The Bible warns us that such deception will continue, and history has demonstrated the…

Statement of Purpose

  Christ Fellowship Statement of Purpose We exist to love God with our warmest affection and highest devotion to love one another as Christ has loved us, and to love others as we desire to be loved ourselves. Why love? What about worship, teaching, preaching, personal holiness, and evangelism? Should our focus really be so narrow when the Christian life involves so many other necessary things? In the New Testament, love is consistently viewed as the highest of Christian virtues-the…

Understanding Providence (part 1) – "Basic Truth" series, #4

Meticulous Providence “Providence” is a theological term describing God’s ruling and governing of His creation. “Meticulous” providence depicts God as ordering and directing everything—every detail in the universe. In Ephesians 1:11 we are told that God “works all things according to the counsel of His will.” And consider the words of Romans 11:36: “For of Him and through Him and to Him are all things, to whom be glory forever. Amen” (emphasis added in each case). What relationship does God…

Understanding the Fall of Man – "Basic Truth" series, #5

Adam and Eve were the only two human beings (apart from Christ) to enter into life with a will that was truly free. Unlike every one of their descendants, they alone began life with the ability to reflect God’s holiness—the ability to remain sinless. But things soon changed for the worse. The Fall of Man God granted Adam and Eve free access to a rich variety of fruit with only one restriction. They were not to eat the fruit of…