I just returned from a 3-week trip to beautiful Santa Elena, Colombia where I was teaching at the Instituto Bíblico Reformado Nueva Providencia. The teaching format was kind of a cross between a Bible Intensive Retreat and The Muller Center for Biblical Studies in which we studied the books of Titus and Mark for a full 11 days. The official title of the class was “Inductive Bible Study Method – New Testament”.
There were 17 students, mostly between the ages of 18-25, most of whom are at the school to train to be church planters. They were very eager and seemed to appreciate the time. I’ll be going back in August to teach a similar class on portions of the Old Testament.
This trip was outside of my comfort zone in a couple of ways, since I had never taught this kind of class for that long nor had I ever taught before in Spanish. But the Lord was good and did HIS work. We are truly blessed to be allowed a part in what he is doing.
It was also wonderful to have my wife Joey and son Lucas along for the trip! They made the scenery all that much more beautiful. And Joey, who speaks Spanish better than I do, was a great help in the class.
Check out some pictures below! You can also see a write-up about the class that the school did here: http://www.nuevaprovidencia.org/metodo-inductivo-y-observacion-del-texto/