Dear CCW family,
I hope you will take some time to look over the collage of photos in this letter. We can’t begin to show even one photo from each of our ministry experiences this last year, but we wanted you to see some. What a year! Our team spoke hundreds of times in the US and several venues overseas, such as Canada, India, South Africa, Zambia, Colombia (2x), Ethiopia, and Peru.
Now we are working on 2018, filling in the calendar with a variety of interesting opportunities such as various stateside churches and ministries, and overseas venues such as Ukraine, India, and Colombia already, plus others as we receive the invitations. Please pray that we will take the opportunities that God wants for us, and only those. We definitely have room for more, so ask the Lord on our behalf to bring forward what He wishes. We always appreciate that.
Steve leaves for India this week. Pam and I be in the Texas hill country at the same time, visiting some dear friends and speaking for a small gathering, and then we’ll leave on a short cruise, invited by Pam’s dear 90-year-old mom. Since it was 4 degrees here today, the Caribbean will be a welcome break. Pray that doors for evangelism will open up even while we are relaxing for that week of vacation.
Our new website look will be in place probably by the time you receive this. We are working on a “topics” list that will have to come a few days later. That will increase its functionality. We hope you find it a great resource.
One exciting announcement: We are thrilled to announce that Selamab Assefa, who has led our Ethiopian Ministry for several years, is now taking a pastorate in Columbus, Ohio with Amharic speaking believers. We’ve wanted this for Selamab so often and believe this is an answer to prayer. Though he speaks English well, he excels in his first language. As Selamab settles in this year with the church and a new job, we can’t be sure his job will allow the time off for us to send Steve and Selamab this year to Ethiopia, but they will hopefully be ready next year for their 9th trip, Lord willing.
Please pray for us! And enjoy the photos.
With joy!
Jim Elliff