Posts from 2013 (Page 3)

Posts from 2013 (Page 3)

Bible Intensive Retreat in Romania 2013


Studying hard with pastors in Romania on our last trip. We’re holding Bible Intensive retreats like this all over the USA also with eager leaders these days. These three day experiences are reminding us all about the amazing power of the Scripture when we seek to understand it diligently and together. Please pray for our work in this area.

Finding the Right Church

Here’s a reality that never changes: there is always another church that does something better than your church. You can never find the perfect church any more than you can marry the perfect mate or be employed at the perfect job. But you can find God’s will for you and your family. What should you look for? 1. Leaders that seek above all else to obey the Head of the church 2. Teaching that probes the Scriptures and let’s you…


By meditating on Scripture you are transformed into the person God intends you to be. Meditation is a blend of your words to God and His Word to you; it is loving conversation between you and God through the pages of His Word. It is absorption of His words into your mind by prayerful contemplation and concentration.

Christ’s Nazarite

John was filled with the Spirit in the womb, and would drink no wine (Luke 2:15), a Nazirite vow. Shadows of this Nazirite vow show up in Ephesians 5:18, “And do not be drunk with wine…but be filled with the Spirit.” In essence Paul is saying: Don’t be overcome w wine so you can be overcome with the Spirit. To be “filled” with the Spirit is like a man who is filled with rage or filled with ambition. It means…


David’s tryst with Bathsheba illustrates how one sin brings another. A look led to lust; lust in the heart led to adultery; adultery led to an attempt to cover up by David calling her husband in from battle so he might lie with her. That failing, David sets his faithful servant Uriah up for death on the battle field–murder! Then follows months of agony & guilt (Ps 51) until finally David crumbles in repentance before Nathan. For believers, the chain…


Speak to them, whether they listen or not, “Thus says the Lord God”(Ez 3). We shouldn’t be so arrogant as to think we’re prophets like Ezekiel, hearing direct words from God. Rather, we humbly speak what the prophets spoke. We sometimes succeed, yet they preached with the knowledge that almost all would not obey. So, don’t despair when you meet up with insults and  resistance to words God first gave through His writing prophets.”  In the same way they persecuted…


I was asked, “What should be the primary motivation for evangelism and missions: Love for Christ or love for the lost? The question is an impossible one to answer because it offers a false dichotomy. In the NT, love for others is the way we love God. “How can you say you love God if you do not love others?” James and John and Paul said. Both are always at play. For instance, Paul was so passionate about the lostness of his…


I hope it’s a sign of becoming more heavenly-minded to find myself uninterested in labels among true believers any more. When we’re the next world, what possible difference could they make? What good are they now, except to create division, end conversation, and promote loyalties that may diffuse our true loyalty to Christ alone? I don’t mean Bible TRUTHS are unimportant, or that they shouldn’t be talked out passionately—just that it seems more consistent to be Bible Christians than system…


In the Sermon on the Mount, the broad way that leads to destruction is the external religious way. The narrow way is the way Jesus taught. This is seen particularly in the “antitheses” section in Mt. 5. For instance, the broad way is by fulfilling the command, “You shall not murder,” but the narrow way is found in Jesus’ statement: “but I say to you, whoever is angry with his brother is guilty…” Or again, “You shall not commit adultery” is…


Went to a friendly mainline church this morning (ours meets in the afternoon), where I witnessed a baby sprinkling. The minister announced that in this experience the baby received the Spirit and was reborn. The child was then displayed as the newest member of the church. Whatever the rationale for this practice, we must all agree that such an experience did not take place in the New Testament.


Are you poor in spirit, mourning over sin everywhere you find it, gentle and approachable in your relationships, hungering and thirsting for righteousness, merciful to others, pure and unmixed in your devotion to Christ? Are you a peacemaker? Are you sometimes persecuted in subtle or even striking ways for your distinctiveness as you live out life from a changed heart? If not, you should have no assurance that the kingdom of heaven is yours, that you will receive comfort from God…

Old Testament 180 Day Reading Plan – Part Two

DAY BOOK CHAPTERS 91. HABAKKUK ALL 92. ZEPHANIAH ALL 93. EZRA 1-6 94. HAGGAI ALL 95. ZECHARIAH 1-5 96. 6-10 97. 11-14 98. EZRA 7-10 99. NEHEMIAH 1-4 100. 5-9 101. 10-13 102. ESTHER 1-5 103. 6-10 104. ISAIAH 1-5 105. 6-9 106. 10-12 107. 13-16 108. 17-20 109. 21-23 110. 24-27 111. 28-31 112. 32-35 113. 36-39 114. 40-42 115. 43-46 116. 47-50 117. 51-54 118. 55-58 119. 59-62 120. 63-66 121. JEREMIAH 1-4 122. 5-8 123. 9-12 124.…