Posts from 2023 (Page 2)
Revival May Not Bring What You Expect
Christianity survived and grew in totalitarian regimes in its first centuries and has done so many times since. We need revival desperately, but it does not necessarily create a political/cultural reversal except in individuals and churches. It more likely will increase polarization and bring on added misunderstanding and persecution as it did in the earliest days recorded in Acts. Revival is even strongly associated with splintering among denominations because of the inability of revived people to continue in their old…
Something Like Hell
I once saw a horrible sight at the coffee shop while discussing the Bible with a friend. A man, obviously in an advanced stage of dementia, gnashed his teeth, shook violently in anger, and cringed with fear for several agonizing minutes. I’m often moved by the plight of mental anguish. My mother died of Alzheimer’s. We cannot always tell which direction dementia will take. Will it turn a person angry or will he be docile? So, with respect, and with…
The Old Covenant Ends and the New Covenant Begins Here
Observe the exact time when the New Covenant began and the Old Covenant, whose sacrifices never could take away sins or make anyone perfect, was made obsolete (Heb 8:13;10:4): “Then He [Christ] said, ‘Behold, I have come to do your will.’ He takes away the first [covenant] in order to establish the second [covenant]. By this will we have been sanctified [as in consecrated] through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.” (Heb 10:9-10) The New…
The Discipline of God is Strong
The discipline of the believer provides one of our greatest assurances of God’s love. Please read and think deeply about “The Discipline of God is Strong.”
Jesus Loves Me, This I Know
The little girl talked fondly to her. In fact, she had never done otherwise. And though she had only one eye, and was blind in the other, and though deaf and unable to speak, she was adored. When the other children entered into the room she instinctively embraced the helpless doll even tighter. To her, this baby was precious and nobody else could have her. But the time would come when other interests would compel the little girl to forget…
I Cannot Believe I Did That! : A Letter From Jim
Some of you will know that Pam and I have often been inspired by reading Francis and Edith Schaeffer’s works. I’ve been thinking of them again today. I believe we have read most if not all of their published works and also watched “How Shall We Then Live” numerous times over the years, plus heard various interviews and teachings online. We have been guided in some key ways by “the Schaeffer apologetic,” like so many others, mainly because his approach…
Thoughts on Improving Baptisms
Since water baptism is so important to the churches, I want to put forward a few ideas that may help churches make more of this important symbolic act. What I’m suggesting is in the way of pastoral advice, not doctrine. You can take or leave these ideas, but in my own experience and through information received from many pastors over the years, these suggestions could make this experience much more memorable and effective. Most of these suggestions will apply to…
This is WHAT DAY the Lord has made?
When we quote or sing “This is the day the Lord has made,” we aren’t saying that this very day, the day we are in presently, is the day the Lord has made. That is true, of course, but it isn’t what Psalm 118: 22-24 is about. Rather, something much more important is being said. Read it closely: “The stone which the builders rejectedHas become the chief corner stone.This is the Yahweh’s doing;It is marvelous in our eyes.This is the…
Cain Did Worse: Your Letter from Jim
Dear CCW family, Several years ago, I watched two angry yard workers in my front lawn screaming at each other. One man got into such a rage that he threw his machete directly at his adversary. He missed, but it came way too close. Then, just as the assailant jumped in his truck to escape, the second man slammed a baseball bat against his truck’s windshield, shattering it. The driver burned rubber as he took off. The man with the…
The Unwitting Preaching of Christ
It may surprise you that some people preach Christ even when they are trying very hard not to. Let me explain. By “preach” I mean, “to share the person of Christ and the message of the gospel with others.” That’s what we should be about as believers. The early Christians, following the stoning of Stephen, did this everywhere they went as further persecution forced them out of Jerusalem. Luke, the author of Acts, reported this succinctly, “Now those who were…
You Should Rejoice — and Israel Also
A first century Jew reading Isaiah 49:6 should have rejoiced in Gentiles being included in the restoration of Israel. So they should today, for it is among the greatest of the promises made to Israel. “He says [of the Messiah, called in Greek, the Christ], ‘It is too small a thing that You should be My Servant to raise up the tribes of Jacob and to restore the preserved ones of Israel; I will also make You A LIGHT TO…
George Muller’s Sure Guide — An Audio Message by Jim Elliff
This is an audio message by Jim Elliff on the life of George Muller, the dead man who has influenced him more than any other person. Jim gave this message recently at the Annual Reformation Conference, Audubon Bible Church, Laurel, Mississippi, 2022.
A Simple Bible Discussion Guide: Five Hard Questions
Me? Lead a Bible study with lots of spiritually helpful interaction? The answer is “yes!” This is a simple Bible Discussion Guide for any group. Using this approach, your study can be as deep as you wish to make it, and cover as much time as you are able to give. Most Bible study groups will want to go through a complete book of the Bible, or a well-defined portion of a book, such as “The Sermon on the Mount”…
Intimidation and Evangelism
I wish I could lose an ounce of fat for every opportunity I have missed sharing my faith since beginning my Christian life. Sadly, I can tell you many stories of open doors but I often punt in the most crucial moments. I once sat down in the back section of a Southwest Airline plane to Chicago. At that time, SWA turned some of the back seats around so that six people faced each other. We were packed in tight.…
Confessionism: The Misuse of 1 John 1:9
Do you believe that you must confess every known sin to God? For many years earlier in my ministry, I made statements such as the following: “In order to be restored to fellowship with God and to be filled with the Spirit you must confess every known sin to God.” What am I to think of such instructions now? Sadly, this teaching adds a layer of requirement for our forgiveness not intended by God. And it may lead to confusion…
I Give You Control of These Persons
What if God said: “I give you control of these persons around you. Your attitude will be their attitude; your interest their interest; your love their love. When you look at them, you’ll discover yourself. “You can wish that they would rise above you to inspire you, but it will not happen. They will mirror you. In fact, even those above you will be as you are. You will experience the power of your own influence. “At home, your spouse…