Posts by Jim Elliff (Page 9)

Posts by Jim Elliff (Page 9)

Moses’ Speech Problem

Some of the most potent speeches ever heard by men were given by Moses. Consider his speech recalling the episodes in Israel’s history on the plains of Moab before his assistant Joshua would lead the Israelites over to the Promised Land. And his eloquence seen in the “songs of Moses” in Exodus 15, Deuteronomy 32, and Psalm 90, is unparalleled. His song in Exodus 15 is sung in heaven (Revelation 15:3)! No Wordsworth, or Dickinson, Keats or Frost will be…

An Intimate Hour with God

The Lord invites us to know Him better. What a privilege! If the joy of heaven is in knowing the Lord’s presence without any sin to hinder us, surely seeking His presence now must be the greatest possible pursuit. Do you feel your need to pray? A person who has no need to pray cannot be living by faith. Prayerless-ness says, “I am sufficient in myself for everything required of me.” But is that so? And do you not grieve…

The Foibles and Fallibility of Christian Leaders

The inconsistencies, unattended weaknesses, eccentricities, normalizations of subtle sinful habits, relational neglectfulness or awkwardness, sometimes grating quirks, phases of tiredness and even laziness, and susceptibility to pride — just to begin the list — illustrate what kinds of things can be found in almost every Christian leader at one time or another. They should remind us that we are all treated mercifully by God and cannot claim that any leadership position or recognition is fully “deserved” but strategically assigned by…

Biblical Descriptions of an Ideal Father/Child Relationship

Benjamin Elliff has given us below a useful list of of Bible texts describing how the critical Father/child relationship is to be lived out. This could be a source for daily meditation, discussions with a spouse, mentoring men, training children, and small group interaction. Make good use of this list to improve relations between children and fathers, and to honor God who is the perfect Father. Biblical Descriptions of an Ideal Father/Child Relationship The Father’s Relationship to His Child 1.…

Missionary or Missionary Worker?

Missionaries must have other workers, long and short term, to assist. Many of these will naturally come from among those who show promise as converts through the missionary’s efforts. Paul, though perhaps exceptional in his management skills, had 38 whose names appear as likely assistants at various times. He was always traveling and laboring with a coterie of faithful helpers. There could have been even more! Some of Paul’s workers were women (18%, according to Schnabel, p. 251), although no…

The Cause Is Still As Dear

There are a some followers of Christ who laid it all down in the battlefield. Most of them are unknown. Not all had the same opportunities. But God knows who they are. Among them was my indefatigable grandfather, A. P. Elliff, who was still teaching the Bible until he died at 93. I want to be like him. Here is a short poem to call us to that kind of life. The Cause Is Still As DearJim Elliff The body…

The “Word of the Lord” Appearance to Jeremiah

Pay close attention to the phrase “the word of the Lord” in this encounter with Jeremiah: Now the word of the LORD came to me saying,5 “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, And before you were born I consecrated you; I have appointed you a prophet to the nations.”6 Then I said, “Alas, Lord GOD! Behold, I do not know how to speak, Because I am a youth.”7 But the LORD said to me, “Do not…

Indian Night

I wrote this one early morning while teaching outside of Mumbai, thinking about the devastation due to mosquito-born illnesses. We had talked about those persistent pests when there, who buzz near your ear to let you know they are in control. That buzz may stir you. But what is stirring on a different level and in a different way is the massive number of people who die from the royal mosquito. His buzz is the sound of war. He’s potentate…

Citizens of the Kingdom; Aliens in the World

The greater reality as believers is that we are citizens of the Kingdom of God and of His Christ (Anointed King) and are therefore aliens in the world. This first reality competes with a second one: we are temporary citizens of a country in this world and are not yet physically in the Kingdom of God as it will be when our King returns and sets it in order. We should not be unconcerned for our temporary country where God…

We Need the Spirit

We Need the Spirit The Holy Spirit “came upon” individual disciples in the New Testament, giving them great power most notably in the effectiveness of their speech. The Spirit also “filled” believers multiple times with the same effect. This is especially seen in the repeated experience of Peter in Acts. These are two ways of saying the same thing. We should think of “filled” as being overcome or dominated by the Spirit. Paul instructed the Ephesians like this: “Do not…

Southern Baptists, an Unregenerate Denomination

“How are you doing?” “Pretty well, under the circumstances.” “What are the circumstances?” “Well, I have a very effective arm. It moves with quite a bit of animation. But then I have my bad leg.” “What’s wrong with it?” “I guess it’s paralyzed. At least it doesn’t do much except twitch once a week or so. But that’s nothing compared with the rest of me.” “What’s the problem? “From all appearances, the rest is dead. At least it stinks and…

Jesus Was Worshipped

Jesus was worshipped. “And when they got into the boat, the wind ceased. And those in the boat worshiped him, saying, ‘Truly you are the Son of God.’” Jesus had walked on the water. I won’t go through that important story. Rather, I want you to weigh the response of his followers to that miracle. It was simply this: the disciples worshipped him. Worshipping Christ—perhaps you have not thought of the importance of this idea, repeated various times through Jesus’…